My Compaq Presario 433
Check out my “new” MS-DOS workhorse – the Presario 433. I picked it up alongside an old Acorn machine (yet to be fixed).
It’s been scrubbed with a toothbrush, and matching speakers added. Looks sharp.
Probably most importantly – I’ve found a replacement floppy drive which fits the unit and seems to be available in decent quantities on eBay – COMPAQ 160788-201.
These drives have the same slot/button position as the Presario and fit perfectly. The drives are otherwise a bit different physically but I was able to install and use it without any issue.
MS-DOS 6.22 has been installed using the new drive onto a CF card – no more spinny disk. This thing is silent now.
It’s even got networking so I can transfer files to it without wearing out my dwindling supply of floppy disks.
Jill of the Jungle! That brings me way back. That was one of the games on my computer when I was around 5 years old, along with Xargon, Jazz Jackrabbit, and Commander Keen.
All great games!