New Product: Glossowary! Embedable JS Glossaries
Here’s a little project I’ve been working on – a way to add a glossary to any page. Words in the glossary are subtly underlined, and clicking them will show the definition. This should work on any page, you just need to create a glossary at, add the...
Company name brainstorming…
Cheap DIY Photography Lightbox
I photograph the odd collectable for – and my flat is the worst possible place for it. It’s dimly lit, at best. To solve this, I’ve put together a cheap (less than 5 pounds) photography lightbox. The construction is simple: Ingredients 2x 2.5L Coke bottles (or the largest...
My First Laravel Package – laravel-session-ignore
I’ve published my first Laravel package. It’s simple, but useful. My Laravel databases have been getting far too large, a result of 1) Long session lifetimes and 2) Sessions being created periodically by various bots and uptime monitors. This middleware solves this by allowing you to specify a list...
New Product! GADSKI.COM
I’ve made a site for sharing your collectables with other collectors – check it out at: It’s come together pretty well and I already have a list of suggestions and improvements to get to work on so go check it out!...
Buying locally is difficult when retail stores are closed due to lockdowns, so I’ve put together some online guides to buying locally, online. The sites below list local retailers and businesses with an online presence, and allow you to search their all of their websites and catalogues from one...
My Latest Product – The Coin Starter Kit
The Coin Starter Kit is a promotional booklet, targeted at collectable and coin dealers to help them get younger people interested in the hobby of collecting, to secure future customers and traders. I hadn’t done any pre-press work (or writing) in a long time, and felt like making a...
Revisiting Old Projects – Gadski
A few years back I needed a project to kick start learning mobile dev tools and some new JS frameworks. I went ahead and developed Gadski, a social travel app for finding other holidayers on the same route or in the same place, as well as being able to...