Technical Writing: Process and Lessons Learned
Posted On December 28, 2021
This is a living document outlining the technical writing process I’ve been using, cobbled together after reviewing the materials provided by clients along with their expectations and comments/feedback received during the editing process. It will be updated as I learn and tweak things.
This process includes mitigation steps for some of the mistakes I tend to make personally as well as steps specific to who I write for, but hopefully it’s useful for others. Some of the points raised simply come from years of trying to make sense of other people’s tutorials and articles while I learn new tools, languages, libraries, etc.
Steps for Writing Articles
- Understand the reader
- Who are they, what do they do, where are they reading this
- Understand the subject
- Find keywords used by the target audience to use for credibility
- Identify what’s valuable to the reader and the value you want to create for the reader
- What point do you want to leave in the readers mind?
- Figure out roughly what you want to say
- Client expectations will be set based on the outline, but the article will most likely diverge from it as it evolves
- While researching the topic note authoritative non-competing resources to link to
- The outline is probably most important step. It’s where you nail down the knowledge and figure out what to say. Otherwise the draft becomes a disjointed rant that needs a lot of work to fix
- Focus on the reader, write for the reader
- Address/engage the reader. ‘As a successful business, YOU will need to’ not ‘successful businesses need to’
- The initial draft may follow your internal thought process as you come to understand the subject
- Ensure that a second pass is done to redirect that focus on what’s valuable to the reader
- You cant have the ‘value’ just at the end of the section as thats where your logical conclusion was – lay it out early so the reader doesn’t leave early
- ‘we found that SOLUTION/CONCLUSION. We came to SOLUTION/CONCLUSION based on…’ rather than ‘Based on….<insert a lengthly paragraph> We Came to SOLUTION/CONCLUSION’
- This will likely mean deviating from the outline somewhat to ensure there’s a logical thread and that the structure is organised
- You cant have the ‘value’ just at the end of the section as thats where your logical conclusion was – lay it out early so the reader doesn’t leave early
- Final Edit for Flow (momentum!)
- Active voice
- Remove excess – run on sentences, fragments, redundant phrases
- Ensure a narrative flow/’red thread’
- Short paragraphs
- If a sentence doesn’t work, you CAN just remove it
- Refer back to the title of the article after each paragraph or two. Are you still on topic ?
- Bring the article full circle, ensure the conclusion answers the problem posed in the introduction, then end
Step Back!
- Come back tomorrow
- You will need a head clear of any assumptions you made during the drafting process for the next steps
Sense Check
- Taking a hard stance needlessly can harm credibility
- ‘Process X is never a good idea, Y is much better’ – but is it? Are there situations where X is still superior even if niche? Not being aware of these cases conveys a lack of understanding of the topic
- Maintain credibility by checking any other assumptions, stances taken
- It may not be necessary to back them up in the text, but ensure they are correct in case someone decides to fact check the article
- Link to supporting evidence where appropriate
- Value > Originality
- You can’t always be original, especially if you’re not a subject matter expert
- If writing about magnetic storage, you probably can’t go off talking about any novel concepts regarding magnetism that you thought up during the writing process unless you’re a physicist. Stick to published information, only generate new knowledge for things you fully understand
- Not all original/novel knowledge is valuable
- Nobody knows how many grains of rice are in my kitchen, so documenting it would be original, new knowledge. Novel information which has no value to the reader
- Don’t parrot useless existing knowledge to pad things out either
- You can’t always be original, especially if you’re not a subject matter expert
- Avoid doom unless it’s warranted
- Instead of ‘that outright sucks, this is better’, ‘that is/was good, this is better/this is new and better as it takes lessons from that’
- The reader may have some investment in the previous thing, don’t want to insult them
- This language also implies a deeper understanding of the topic
- Weigh the language of cost vs language of benefit depending on the tone and messaging – ‘Not doing this thing will make you worse‘ vs ‘Doing this thing will make you better’
- Instead of ‘that outright sucks, this is better’, ‘that is/was good, this is better/this is new and better as it takes lessons from that’
Final Checklist
- Is the text…
- Organised
- Clear
- Persuasive
- Easy to read, quick to understand
- Conversational and/or Authoritative (depending on the context)
- High Quality
- Unique
- Referring to the structure and language not being a facsimile of another article rather than providing unique knowledge
- Is it actually interesting to read?
- Does the intro/excerpt pull you in with an assertion about something the reader cares about/problem to solve and a promise to explain the assertion or solve the problem for the reader?
- The reader isn’t being forced or paid to read this and can leave at any time
- Make sure reading the article all the way to the call to action is worth it for the reader
- Solve a problem for them…
- …or be entertaining – entertainment value is value if the context/client goal for the article calls for it
Submit Article for Editing
- Editors are not fact checkers
- But leave some notes if you want a sense check on a particular point, people are helpful
Addressing Editor’s Comments
- You’re allowed to disagree with suggestions,
- However, consider the outside perspective – what is easy for you to consume may look hectic to others
Submit Article to Client (Or Publishing if for Self)
- Client may or may not have their own comments to address prior to publishing
- The client is paying you to make a point for them to their audience, their requests rule
- If writing for self, set a reminder to revisit it in a week and check that it still makes sense / accomplishes what you set out to achieve
Notes on Code Examples
- Code examples are for other humans. Don’t obfuscate for brevity.
- However, keep it succinct and demonstrate only the point that is currently being illustrated in the text
- Keep snippets short and readable
- Further context best provided as a working example repo
- For example, the code example in an article shows only the relevant API endpoint with the DB query it executes, while the repo contains a full express app with that API endpoint in context
- Be Consistent!
- Indentation, semicolons, etc
- Consistent logic/flow
- Declare and describe a function before you use it
- Comments!
- Where the intention of the code may not be clear or a new concept is introduced
- Why not how – the code already tells you how
- Too many comments can visually obfuscate the code itself
- Code comments should stick to simple, un-nuanced English
- Article text can be a bit flowery for flow/engagement – comments must be easily understandable especially for ESL readers
- Function and variable names should make sense – descriptive but not too long
- Provide a framework for the reader to build on so they can get up and running quickly and adapt your code for their use
- The aim should be to get the reader able to use the feature you are writing about as quickly as possible
- Be aware of code complexity for the intended audience
- Newbies will require additional context and may need some concepts explained (in the article, not the code comments)
- Readability
- Does the code work?
- Will it work in the future? Mention platform/library versions used so readers in the future know that it may no longer be supported and can check for depreciation
- Standards/Conventions/Best practices followed?
- Imports at the top of the file, stuff like that
- Are there any security issues?
- Your code will be copied and pasted into someones project
- Using a global variable where you shouldn’t could mean they build a leaky app
- Remember- you’re the expert showing someone how to do something
- No ambiguous code, logic, comments.
Notes on SEO
- SEO is not my focus
- If keywords provided by client, ensure they are used, however:
- The article is intended to be valuable to the reader rather than just a keyword jumble
- Keywords are just an arms race – my focus is on the content
- Google knows when a user remains on the page and whether they’ve found their answer/value (they continue searching), so focus on that
- Keywords are good to have, so the search engine knows what the article is, but users arriving via search need to stick around for article to rank highly
- Keywords should preferably appear in the article preview, headings, and in any image alts/captions – this isn’t just for the search engine, the reader will want to see what they are looking for in the preview/headings as they are scrolling through search results
- The article is intended to be valuable to the reader rather than just a keyword jumble
- Identify backlink opportunities
- Even if from articles for other clients that will be attributed to other people, propose to them the advantage of sharing links among each other
Notes on Editing
- Be objective
- Do not edit for style or content, it’s not YOUR article
Active Voice Quick Reference
- Use verbs over nouns
- Verbs
- Use active verbs over passive verbs
- “Water filled the pool” instead of “The pool was full of water.”
- Use active verbs over passive verbs
- Nouns
- Make people act, not concepts
- “People rarely cry.” instead of “The first reaction is rarely crying.”
- Make people act, not concepts